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First launch of a new version of the Fregat-M second stage, carrying two Russian next generation Meteor-M meteorological satellites.
Russia's new generation of meteorology satellites replacing the Meteor-3M series.
Crew members: Oleg Novitsky (Roscosmos), Tracy Caldwell Dyson (NASA), Marina Vasilevskaya (Roscosmos, Belarus).
First flight of the Angara A5 rocket from Vostochny Cosmodrome will include the new Orion upper stage, no payloads on board.
The Progress MS-28 mission will deliver over 2.5 tons of cargo to the International Space Station (ISS), including essential supplies like food, clothing, and scientific...
The Soyuz MS-26 mission is a crewed flight to the International Space Station (ISS), carrying Roscosmos cosmonauts Alexey Ovchinin and Ivan Vagner, along with NASA astronaut...
The first two of a planned constellation of four spacecraft for the first Russian space weather monitoring system called "Ionozond". The system being created is designed to...
90th Progress cargo delivery to the International Space Station (90P)
Russian Kondor-FKA satellites built by NPO-Mashinostroyenia, are intended for 24/7 all-weather radar remote sensing of the Earth in medium and high resolution. The first one was...
Commercial Earth observation satellite capable of acquiring high-resolution images
91st Progress cargo delivery to the International Space Station (91P)
Multipurpose X-band radar earth observation satellite
Members of ISS Expedition 73: Roscosmos cosmonauts Sergei Ryzhikov and Alexei Zubritsky and NASA astronaut Jonathan Kim will fly aboard Soyuz MS-27 from Baikonur Cosmodrome in...
Final two satellites for the constellation of the Russian space weather monitoring system called "Ionozond". The constellation consists of four spacecraft; the first two were...
92nd Progress cargo delivery to the International Space Station (92P)
A constellation of two Earth observation satellites able to deliver stereoscopic imaging that allows for the creation of 3D models
Bion-M is a new generation of Russian space capsule intended for biological research and capable of returning living organisms to Earth from orbit. The 'M' letter stands for...
93rd Progress cargo delivery to the International Space Station (93P)
Members of ISS Expedition 74: Roscosmos cosmonauts Sergei Kud-Sverchkov, Sergei Mikayev, and Oleg Platonov will depart from Baikonur Cosmodrome on Soyuz MS-28 spacecraft in the...
94th Progress cargo delivery to the International Space Station (94P)
ISS Expedition 75 will include Roscosmos cosmonauts Pyotr Dubrov, Sergei Korsakov, and Anna Kikina, who will launch on board the Soyuz MS-29 spacecraft in 2026.