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Rocket Launch API


The RocketLaunch.Live API provides read-only access to our growing database of rocket launch data. Our data is manually curated using many different sources and is accurate to the best of our ability. Data for upcoming launches is updated regularly throughout each day and historical data is regularly being added to the database. For questions about data sourcing and accuracy, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Full access to the API is available to our Premium Members only.
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Free Access

The next five launches are accessible freely using the following HTTP GET shortcut request:

The information and data provided by RocketLaunch.Live are for informational purposes only and comes with no guarantees or warranties with respect to accuracy. All information is subject to change. We do our best to find the most recent and accurate information, but you should always verify via other sources before taking action.

API Documentation


We humbly request that when you use this data you display the text "Data by RocketLaunch.Live" somewhere near the data. Thanks!


All requests should be sent using the GET method to the desired entity's endpoint. See below for example requests.


All API requests must specify a valid API key. There are two ways to do so:

  • Via the Authorization HTTP header (recommended):
  • Authorization: Bearer <key>
  • Via the "key" querystring parameter (insecure):

NOTE! Sending your API key using the querystring can be insecure! Consider using the Authorization header to ensure your key is never inadvertently exposed.


Responses are limited to 25 results. To retrieve more than that, subsequent pages of 25 can be requested with the 'page' parameter. For example:


  • All dates and times are in UTC.
  • All responses are in JSON object format.



  • Companies

    Allowed parameters

    id Numeric unique identifier
    name Partial string match
    country_code ISO 3166-1 A2 country code
    slug Exact string match
    inactive Boolean 0 or 1

    Fields returned

    id, name, country, slug, inactive

    Example request

  • Launches

    Allowed parameters

    id Numeric unique identifier
    cospar_id COSPAR ID in the format of YYYY-nnn (e.g. 2019-037)
    after_date Returns launches with sort_date after the date specified. Date format YYYY-MM-DD
    before_date Returns launches with sort_date before the date specified. Date format YYYY-MM-DD
    modified_since Date/time format in UTC Zulu time (e.g. 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z)
    location_id Numeric unique identifier
    pad_id Numeric unique identifier
    provider_id Numeric unique identifier of launch provider company
    tag_id Numeric unique identifier
    vehicle_id Numeric unique identifier
    state_abbr ISO 3166-2:US state abbreviation of the launch location
    country_code ISO 3166-1 A2 country code of the launch location
    search Partial string match on Mission name, Vehicle name, Pad name, Company name, Location name, Country name, State name, or Tag text
    slug Exact string match
    limit Limit the number of results returned
    direction Change the sort order of the result set. Use either "asc" or "desc"

    • Results are sorted by launch date in ascending order by default.
    • If no date parameters are specified, future launches are returned.

    Fields returned

    sort_date A Unix timestamp of the launch date for sorting, taking into account "estimated" launch dates
    name The name of the launch, generally derived from the primary mission's name
    provider An object with launch provider information
    vehicle An object with launch vehicle information
    pad An object with launch pad information
    missions An array of objects with mission information
    launch_description A standardized one sentence description of the launch
    win_open The date and time of the opening of the launch window in ISO 8601 format
    t0 The date and time of the planned launch time (T-0) in ISO 8601 format
    win_close The date and time of the closing of the launch window in ISO 8601 format
    est_date The known or estimated elements of the launch date, if an exact date/time is not known
    date_str The same date string on the front page of RocketLaunch.Live
    tags An array of tag objects assigned to the launch
    slug The canonical URL slug of the launch, used in launch page URLs (i.e.<slug>)
    weather_summary A summary of the weather forecast for launch time (provided by
    weather_temp The forecasted temperature at launch time (currently in Fahrenheit only)
    weather_icon The appropriate icon code for the forecasted weather at launch time (
    weather_updated The date and time of when the weather was last updated (currently every 8 hours)
    quicktext Standardized text showing the vehicle, mission name, launch time, and a link to the stream
    media The media associated with this launch (Premium only)

    ldfeaturedFeatured on launch day
    featuredFeatured when it's not launch day
    result One of the following values as the result of the launch:

    -1Not Set
    2Partial Failure
    3In-Flight Abort (Crewed)
    modified The date and time when the launch or its associated entities were modified

    Example request

  • Locations

    Allowed parameters

    id Numeric unique identifier
    name Partial string match
    state_abbr ISO 3166-2:US state abbreviation
    country_code ISO 3166-1 A2 country code

    Fields returned

    id, name, latitude, longitude, country, state, utc_offset

    Example request

  • Missions

    Allowed parameters

    id Numeric unique identifier
    name Partial string match

    Fields returned

    id, name, description, launch, company

    Example request

  • Pads

    Allowed parameters

    id Numeric unique identifier
    name Partial string match
    state_abbr ISO 3166-2:US state abbreviation
    country_code ISO 3166-1 A2 country code

    Fields returned

    id, name, location, country, state

    Example request

  • Tags

    Allowed parameters

    id Numeric unique identifier
    text Partial string match

    Fields returned

    id, text

    Example request

  • Vehicles

    Allowed parameters

    id Numeric unique identifier
    name Partial string match

    Fields returned

    id, name, company

    Example request